Netball KNEE Program


Are you tired of getting injured every time you play netball?

The most common injury for netballers is related to their ACL. As such the KNEE program has been implemented to reduce the risk of injuries as a result of playing netball for all players of all different levels. The program can decrease the chance of serious knee injuries by 40-70% and, subsequently, allow players to participate for many more years.

To target player’s capability, the program has been split into three groups: junior (under 14), recreational (14+) and elite level. All three levels are comprised of four main components: warmup/footwork, strength, balance/landing and agility. Progressing from junior to elite, the drills within each component are extended to tailor for a higher level of play. It is suggested to be completed at least twice a week for maximal effectiveness.

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  • Warmup is crucial to ensure the body is prepared for dynamic movements during netball and that blood is flowing to the muscles. The prescribed exercises aid in reducing muscle soreness as well as reducing the risk of injury.

  • Strength exercises target the muscles controlling the trunk, hip, pelvis and knees so that they are stronger and able to support your body through vigorous movements.

  • Netball incorporates a lot of taking off and landing on either one or both legs. As such, it requires the legs to absorb high impact forces. Poor landing could lead to injuries and, consequently, time off the court to recover. The balance/landing drills focus on having good technique when landing and taking off which include having bent knees and hip, a stable trunk and knees in line with the feet.

  • The last component, agility, is primarily aimed to improve efficiency of movement when changing direction and decelerating when running. Depending on the level, there are different exercises tailored. There is a focus in terms of changing direction and running technique, with the skills progressing to accommodate for unpredicted stimuli at an elite level.

From the four components of the KNEE program, there is specific attention on the correct execution of taking off, landing, decelerating and changing of direction. As such, it improves performance and decreases time off court due to ACL and lower limb injuries. The KNEE program only takes about 10-15mins to complete each time, making it great to be used during training or as a warm-up on game day.


If you have any questions regarding the KNEE program or are interested in seeing if we can improve your netball performance, please give us a call at (02) 8411 2050. Here at Thornleigh Performance Physiotherapy, we can give you an accurate diagnosis and treatment, to help you get back in action as soon as possible. We are conveniently located near Beecroft, Cherrybrook, Hornsby, Normanhurst, Pennant Hills, Waitara, Wahroonga, Westleigh, West Pennant Hills, and West Pymble.